
Living in a want..

"I WANT to be happy," is an often repeated phrase. People who say it, get exactly what they're asking for. They live in the 'want' of happiness. Wanting a million dollars won't put money in your bank account. Wanting a Porsche won't turn your Neon into a lean mean driving machine. Wanting to be a bird won't give you wings or get you off the ground. The more you 'want' those things, the more 'want' you get. It comes in extraordinary amounts and becomes a physical ache, when you want something 'really bad'. Instead of curling yourself into a tight little ball and remaining clutched in the 'want' of happiness, open yourself up to the opportunity of receiving it. Fill the holes in your life with the joy of being alive. Work at happiness from the inside out. Remove the weight of 'want' off your heavily burdened shoulders and make yourself available to bliss. When you achieve inner happiness, it shows. I

Oracle Apps Password Security

Oracle applications 11i Implementations has a Security weakness. Oracle application 11i passwords are stored in the database. Apps password stores in2 tables: FND_USER and FND_ORACLE_USERID tables Stores internal oracle applications database accounts. The APPS and APPLSYS database accounts must always have the same password The APPS.fnd_user table has all applications accounts and there Are 2 Password columns provide for ENCRYPTION. ENCRYPTED_FOUNDATION_PASSWORD ENCRYPTED_USER_PASSWORD The above 2 columns any also contains 1 of the String Values 1. External : Means User Authentication is Delegated So password is not stored in the FND_USER Table 2. INVALID Some Default Oracle apps Accounts access is blocked by directly updating the FND_USER Table. 3. X Means like INVALID 4. ZG If the Encryption Algorithm fails the Error MSG is stord in password column The Passwords in FND_ORACLE_USERID maintained independent of the database, So Any changes to the account passwords using ALTER USER state

Adding Responsibility

Using following Script you can Add required responsibilities yourself At APPS Schema. DECLARE v_session_id INTEGER := userenv('sessionid'); v_user_name VARCHAR2(30) ; l_resp_key varchar2(200); l_resp_app varchar2(2000); BEGIN v_user_name :=UPPER('&user_name'); l_resp_key :=UPPER('&resp_key'); l_resp_app :=UPPER('&resp_short_name'); --SELECT --fa.APPLICATION_SHORT_NAME, --fr.RESPONSIBILITY_KEY, --fr.RESPONSIBILITY_NAME --FROM --FND_APPLICATION_vl fa, --fnd_responsibility_vl fr --WHERE --fa.application_id=fr.application_id --AND fr.RESPONSIBILITY_NAME like 'MRC, USD Payables%Reporting%' ---Using Above Query Get Application Shot name and Responsibility Key fnd_user_pkg.addresp (username => v_user_name ,resp_app => l_resp_app ,resp_key => l_resp_key ,security_group => 'STANDARD' ,description => 'Auto Assignment' ,start_date => SYSDATE - 10 ,end_date => SYSDATE + 1000); COMMIT; dbms_output.put_line('

Best Moments in Life

To laugh until it hurts your stomach. To find mails by the thousands when you return of the vacations. To manage for a vacation at some pretty place. To listen to your favorite song in the radio. To go to bed and to listen while it rains out. To leave the shower and find that the towel is warm. To clear your last exam. To receive a call from someone, you don't see a lot, but you want to. A good conversation. To find money in a pant that you didn't use last year. To laugh at oneself. Calls at the midnight that last for hours. To laugh without reasons. To hear accidentally that somebody says something good of you. To wake up and realize it is still possible to sleep a couple of hours. To hear a song that makes you remember a special reason. To make new friends. To be part of a team. The first kiss. To feel butterflies in the stomach every time that you see that person. To pass a while with your best friends. T

How To Negotiate the Perfect Salary

A company is interested in hiring you for a new opening. You feel as if you are in high demand because you are in a skilled-labor or professional position that requires skills that you possess. If you are considering any new position and you are already employed, you should be seeking higher wages, a better working atmosphere, and an overall improvement in your career. Not asking about your wages up front is a mistake. During most every interview the employer is going to ask you that one question, which is: "What wages are you asking for if you were to come to work for us?" While this can be a difficult question to answer point-blank when you don't know the current rate of pay in the company, you can come prepared for the question and negotiate a higher rate of pay. Never act surprised when that big question is asked. Come to your interview prepared! Make a list of questions that are always asked during interviews, such as: Are you new to the area? Do you have a degree in

Oracle Partioning

clipped from Partitioning is a divide-and-conquer approach to improving Oracle maintenance and SQL performance.  Anyone with un-partitioned databases over 500 gigabytes is courting disaster.  Databases become unmanageable, and serious problems occur:  -          Files recovery takes days, not minutes -          Rebuilding indexes (important to re-claim space and improve performance) can take days -          Queries with full-table scans take hours to complete -          Index range scans become inefficient There are many compelling reasons to implement partitioning for larger databases, and partitioning has become the de-facto standard for systems over 500 gigabytes.  Oracle partitioning has many benefits to improve performance and manageability:  

Oracle Theme

clipped from Oracle is an RDBMS (Relational Database Management System). The Oracle database architecture can be described in terms of logical and physical structures. The advantage of separating the logical and physical structure is that the physical storage structure can be changed without affecting the logical structure.