Living in a want..

"I WANT to be happy," is an often repeated phrase.

People who say it, get exactly what they're asking for.
They live in the 'want' of happiness.

Wanting a million dollars won't put money in your bank account.
Wanting a Porsche won't turn your Neon into a lean mean driving
machine. Wanting to be a bird won't give you wings or get you off
the ground. The more you 'want' those things, the more 'want' you
get. It comes in extraordinary amounts and becomes a physical
ache, when you want something 'really bad'.

Instead of curling yourself into a tight little ball and remaining
clutched in the 'want' of happiness, open yourself up to the opportunity
of receiving it.

Fill the holes in your life with the joy of being alive. Work at happiness
from the inside out. Remove the weight of 'want' off your heavily
burdened shoulders and make yourself available to bliss.

When you achieve inner happiness, it shows. It seeps from your eyes
and rolls off your words. Your peace of heart, supported by a solid foundation, is unflappable. You see external happiness for what it really is, a precarious source of self fulfillment. Your 'want' is gone, and without it, you stand in the wake of grand possibilities.

Your eyes see the positive in what you have, instead of the negative
in what you lack. Happiness starts coming at you from a multitude of directions.

Live in the 'want' of being happy, or 'be' happy.

The choice is completely up to you.


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